01 November 2012

Pin It #5

My sunroof baby arrived last August, and subsequent to his birth it seems that a whole slew of our friends have buns in their ovens. This can mean one thing, and one thing only:
It's Baby Shower Season!

As a Mama-to-be, and now as an actual Mama, my creative juices have been a-flowin'! And with the ever-abundant source of modern-day inspiration known at Pinterest, I've been leading somewhat (p)interesting weekends lately.

I'm all for giving new parents gifts that are both neat and functional. Here are some baby shower decorations that will be going home with the Parents-to-be that I'm blessed to celebrate.
"Lollipops" -- 2 rolled up baby washcloths
attached to a baby utensil
Lollipop, close-up

"Peppermint Candies"
-- rolled up receiving blankets --
Peppermint, close-up
For the diaper cake, my favorite source for instruction is this video... in case anyone reading this (one of my sisters or my mom) is inspired to do the same...

My second diaper cake.
My first diaper cake -- by far
my most ambitious
creative expression to-date

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